North East Zen Association

The North East Zen Association, incorporated in the State of New York, provides oversight and support for Monju-Do Zen Fellowship, including resources needed to manage a sangha in New York City. NEZA is dedicated to the practice of zazen (Zen meditation) in the Soto tradition of Taisen Deshimaru and Kodo Sawaki.

Membership to the dojo provides access to all zazen periods, events, discounts on retreats and supplies. Dues can be paid via Paypal. Membership is crucial to the future and health of Monju-Do Zen Fellowship, and supports all activities and programs.  





Fill out our membership form!

Sangha activies include:

  • Weekly zazen and ceremony
  • Zen retreats (sesshin) throughout the year
  • Dharma preparation for Bodhisattva Ordination
  • Discounted meditation supplies
  • Advanced Dharma instruction
  • special events for Sangha and guests

For donations, please Paypal us using our paypal website:

or venmo: @neza2015

Monthly membership fees are as follows: 

Sustaining member: $85/month ($900/year)

Practitioner: $55/month  ($600/year)

Student: $30/month ($250/year)

Walk-in/Zoom-in: $15-20 (hey! become a member!)



We appreciate your generosity!

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